Thursday, August 31, 2006

Oops I did it again!

No this is NOT a post on Obejcts Oriented Programming System.
Nor one about the song.

This is just to let you know that I go (try to) play tennis with my uncle and aunt semi-regularly.
And **drumroll** I ripped my pants... twice! ("dagnabbit' I need to loose weight!)

But playing tennis is fun, so is panting and puffing and trying to catch up with my uncle and aunt when they go for a jog. ;-D

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lost in th wilderness...!

My uncle and aunt recommended that I try to find my way to uni, so I set off the next day with a map and a bus pass (for zone1) and some cash, "just in case". I was supposed to catch 3 buses to get there.

The first bus ride went fine. Just a short ride to the next stop. Got down, saw the next bus I had to catch... and ran to the halt to catch it. As soon as I got on the bus, I found that the zone 1 ticket wasn't valid and I had to get another ticket; then "luckily" the bus was also going in the wrong direction! And I found myself getting down at Monash University, not to be found on my map.(Yepee doodle doo?)

After standing at the halt for 10mins and taking a breather, I started walking towards the junction. Found some friendly people who pointed me the way back to "square one". And then set off again. This time I caught the correct bus and ended up in uni.

Took a look at the uni, and also the buidling where I had to go next day for orientation.
Caught the bus home, and walked the last bit... ;-D to be on the safe side!